
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften (Peer-Review)




  • Gibbs, H. & Egermann, H. (2021). Music-evoked nostalgia and wellbeing during the United Kingdom COVID-19 pandemic: Content, subjective effects, and function. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 647891.
  • Henry, N., Kayser, D., & Egermann, H. (2021). Music in mood regulation and coping orientations in response to COVID-19 lockdown measures within the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 647879.
  • Herget, A.-K (2021). On music’s potential to convey meaning in film: A systematic review of empirical evidence.Psychology of Music, 49(1), 21–49.
  • Herget, A.-K. (2021). Well-known and unknown music as an emotionalizing carrier of meaning in film. Media Psychology, 24(3), 385–412.
  • Herget, A.-K. & Bötzl, F. (2021). Sounds like respect. The impact of background music on the acceptance of gay men in audio-visual advertising. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Artikel 645533.
  • Herget, A.-K. & Gunnermann, L. (2021). „People Help the People“: Der Einfluss von Musik mit prosozialem Text in sozialen Werbespots. Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie, 29, 63–86.
  • Tschacher, W., Greenwood, S., Egermann, H., Wald-Fuhrmann, M., Czepiel, A., Tröndle, M., & Meier, D. (2021). Physiological synchrony in audiences of live concerts. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.
  • Wald-Fuhrmann, M., Egermann, H., O’Neill, K., Czepiel, A., Weining, C., Meier, D., Tschacher, W., Uhde, F., Toelle, J., & Tröndle, M. (2021). Music listening in classical concerts: Theory, literature review, and research program. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 638783.
  • White, S. & Egermann, H. (2021). Do free dance movements communicate how we feel? Investigating emotion recognition in dance. Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie, 30(1), 117–141.


  • Altun, F. & Egermann, H. (2020). Temperament systems influence emotion induction but not makam recognition performance in Turkish makam music. Psychology of Music, 49(5), 1088–1101.
  • Breves, P., Herget, A.-K., & Schramm, H. (2020). Identifying opportunities to optimize the music in TV commercials: A systematic content analysis. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising41(1), 88–103.
  • Détári, A., Egermann, H., Berkjeset, O., & Vaag, J. (2020). Psychosocial work environment among musicians and in the general workforce in Norway. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 1315.
  • Egermann, H. & Reuben, F. (2020). “Beauty is how you feel inside”: Aesthetic judgments are related to emotional responses to contemporary music. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 510029.
  • Emerson, G. & Egermann, H. (2020). Exploring the motivations for building new digital musical instruments. Musicae Scientiae, 24(3), 313–329.
  • Herzog, M., Lepa, S., Egermann, H., Schoenrock, A., & Steffens, J. (2020). Towards a common terminology for music branding campaigns. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(1–2), 176–209.
  • Irrgang, M., Steffens, J., & Egermann, H. (2020). From acceleration to rhythmicity: Smartphone-assessed movement predicts properties of music. Journal of New Music Research, 49(2), 178–191.
  • Johnston, D., Egermann, H., & Kearney, G. (2020) SoundFields: A virtual reality game designed to address auditory hypersensitivity in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Applied Sciences, 10(9), Article 2996.
  • Lepa, S., Herzog, M., Steffens, J., Schoenrock, A., & Egermann, H. (2020).  A computational model for predicting perceived musical expression in branding scenarios. Journal of New Music Research, 49(4), 387–402.
  • Lepa, S., Steffens, J., Herzog, M., & Egermann, H. (2020). Popular music as entertainment communication: How perceived semantic expression explains liking previously unknown music. Media and Communication, 8(3), 191–204.


  • Daffern, H., Camlin, D. A., Egermann, H., Gully, A. J., Kearney, G., Neale, C., & Rees-Jones, J. (2019). Exploring the potential of virtual reality technology to investigate the health and well being benefits of group singing. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 15(1), 1–22.
  • Johnston, D., Egermann, H., & Kearney, G. (2019). Measuring the behavioural response to spatial audio within a multi-modal virtual reality environment in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Applied Sciences, 9(15), Article 3152.


  • Emerson, G. & Egermann, H. (2018). Gesture-sound causality from the audience’s perspective: Investigating the aesthetic experience of performances with digital musical instruments. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12(1), 96–109.
  • Johnston, D., Egermann, H., & Kearney, G. (2018). Innovative computer technology in music-based interventions for individuals with autism moving beyond traditional interactive music therapy techniques. Cogent Psychology, 5(1), Article 1554773.
  • Herget, A.-K., Schramm, H., & Breves, P. (2018). Development and testing of an instrument to determine Musical Fit in audio-visual advertising. Musicae Scientiae, 22(3), 362–376.



  • Egermann, H., Fernando, N., Chuen, L., & McAdams, S. (2015). Music induces universal emotion-related psychophysiological responses: comparing Canadian listeners to Congolese Pygmies. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 1341.
  • Förstel, A. & Egermann, H. (2015). DJs im Club-Kontext – eine fallbasierte Beobachtungsstudie von Performancebewegungen. Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie, 25, 142–158.
  • Lepa, S., Hoklas, A.-K., Egermann, H., & Weinzierl, S. (2015). Sound, materiality and embodiment challenges for the concept of 'musical expertise' in the age of digital mediatization. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(3), 294–300.


  • Fernando, N., Egermann, H., Chuen, L., Kimbembé, B., & McAdams, S. (2014). Musique et émotion. Quand deux disciplines travaillent ensemble à mieux comprendre le comportement musical humain. Anthropologie et Sociétés, 38(1), 167–191.
  • Giordano, B. L., Egermann, H., & Bresin, R. (2014). The production and perception of emotionally expressive walking sounds: Similarities between musical performance and everyday motor activity. PLoS ONE 9(12), Article e115587.


  • Egermann, H. & McAdams, S. (2013). Empathy and emotional contagion as a link between recognized and felt emotions in music listening. Music Perception, 31(2), 139–156.
  • Egermann, H., Kopiez, R., & Altenmüller, E. (2013). The influence of social normative and informational feedback on musically induced emotions in an online music listening setting. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 23(1), 21–32.
  • Egermann, H., Pearce, M. T, Wiggins, G. A., & McAdams, S. (2013). Probabilistic models of expectation violation predict psychophysiological emotional responses to live concert music. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 533–553.


  • Egermann, H., Sutherland, M. E., Grewe, O., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., & Altenmüller, E. (2011). Does music listening in a social context alter experience? A physiological and psychological perspective on emotion. Musicae Scientiae, 15(3), 307–323.


  • Egermann, H., Grewe, O., Kopiez, R., & Altenmüller, E. (2009). Social feedback influences musically induced emotions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169(1), 346–350.
  • Egermann, H., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., Altenmüller, E. (2009). Continuous measurement of musically-induced emotion - a web experiment. International Journal of Internet Science, 4(1), 4–20.
  • Sutherland, M. E., Grewe, O., Egermann, H., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., & Altenmüller, E. (2009). The influence of social situations on music listening. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169(1), 363–367.


  • Egermann, H., Kopiez, R., & Reuter, C. (2006). Is there an effect of subliminal messages in music on choice behavior? Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 4(2), 29–46.

Artikel in weiteren Zeitschriften/ Buchkapitel


  • Egermann, H., Lepa, S., Herzog, M., & Steffens, J. (2022). Evidenzbasierte Praxis im Music Branding–Musikalische Markenkommunikation wird erwachsen. In L. Grünewald-Schukalla, A. Jóri, & H. Schwetter (Eds.), Musik & Marken. Jahrbuch für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung (pp. 73–91). Springer.
  • Tröndle, M., Greenwood, S., Ramakrishnan, C., Uhde, F., Egermann, H., & Tschacher, W. (2022). Integrated methods: A call for integrative and interdisciplinary aesthetics research. In M. Nadal & O. Vartanian (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Aesthetics. Oxford University Press.
  • Egermann, H. (2019). Creating a sounding image: Psychological aspects of audio branding. In M. Grimshaw-Aagaard, M. Walther-Hansen, & M. Knakkergaard (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination (Vol. 2, pp. 349–367). Oxford University Press.
  • Spangardt, B., Herget, A.-K., & Schramm, H. (2019). Musik in der Werbung. In H. Schramm (Ed.), Handbuch Musik und Medien. Interdisziplinärer Überblick über die Mediengeschichte der Musik (pp. 187–212). Springer VS.
  • Egermann, H. & Kreutz, G. (2018). Emotionen und ästhetische Gefühle. In A. C. Lehmann & R. Kopiez (Eds.), Handbuch Musikpsychologie (pp. 617–640). Hogrefe.
  • Herget, A.-K. (2018). Commentary on: The power of sound design in a moving picture by Kock and Louven.Empirical Musicology Review13(3-4), 155–157.
  • Bovermann, T., de Campo, A., Egermann, H., Hardjowirogo, S.-I., & Weinzierl S. (2017).  Introduction. In T. Bovermann, A. de Campo, H. Egermann, S.-I. Hardjowirogo, & S. Weinzierl (Eds.), Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices (pp. 1–5). Springer.
  • Egermann, H. & Lothwesen, K. S. (2017). Methoden und Anwendungen internetbasierter Erhebungen. In M. L. Schulten & K. S. Lothwesen (Eds.), Methoden empirischer Forschung in der Musikpädagogik. Eine anwendungsbezogene Einführung (pp. 183–202). Waxmann.
  • Emerson, G. & Egermann, H. (2017). Mapping, causality and the perception of instrumentality: Theoretical and empirical approaches to the audience’s experience of digital musical instruments. In T. Bovermann, A. de Campo, H. Egermann, S.-I. Hardjowirogo, & S. Weinzierl (Eds.), Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices (pp. 363–370). Springer.
  • Muellensiefen, D., Egermann, H., & Burrows, S. (2015). Radio station jingles: How statistical learning applies to a special genre of audio logos. In K. Bronner, R. Hirt, & C. Ringe (Eds.), Audio Branding Yearbook 2014/2015 (pp. 53–72). Nomos.
  • Egermann, H. (2013). Linking theories of emotion-induction to applications in audio branding. In K. Bronner, R. Hirt, & C. Ringe (Eds.). Audio Branding Yearbook 2012/2013 (pp. 155–167). Nomos.
  • Egermann, H. (2013). Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Hörererwartungen und Emotionen. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, 10(2), 329–344.
  • Egermann, H. (2009). Music influences listeners’ emotion – A review on evidence from psychological and physiological research. Musiktherapie/Music Therapy Annual, 5, 35–58.
  • Egermann, H. & Haller, K. (2009). Ohrwurm auf Bestellung, Einblicke in die akustische Markenführung. Research & Results, 3, 50–51.



  • Bovermann, T., de Campo, A., Egermann, H., Hardjowirogo, S-I., & Weinzierl, S. (2017) (Eds.). Musical instruments in the 21st century: Identities, configurations, practices. Springer.
  • Egermann, H. (2010). Social influences on emotions experiences during music listening – An exploratory study using physiological and web-based psychological methods. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.
  • Egermann, H. (2008). Emotionen@Musik. Was Musikhörer empfinden – Eine Internet-Studie zur Emotionsmessung. Tectum Verlag.